Trimble Palooza 2010 2011

Long before TrimblePalooza there was the Road To Mckeesport until the road then led the Trimbles to Easton.
Here's the official plate palooza: The very first Trimble Palooza (late 1940's) Bloomington, Indiana

Trimble Palooza 2011 is now SOLD OUT! Also appearing is the youngest of the big bunch, baby Elizabeth Tucker:

Now Truckin in 1080p 
(as in PaloozaVision)
for 2011:
ThumbnailTrimble Palooza 2011
Past and Present Palooza's:
Thumbnail  Trimble Past n' Present Paloozas
Mary's iphone palooza (ipalooza?)video, cropped, edited & converted to a larger file.
Grandpa Jim Crackers:

2011 Condiment Cam?:Thumbnail Prepalooza in 1080p (Palooza Vision) Trimble Palooza 2012. The Trimbles at a rate of speed far beyond any Trimble known to man woman or child in reverse too plus Disco Palooza
Trimble Palooza 3 Time Lapse 1080p (Pal…

Trimble Palooza 3 Reverse Time Lapse 10…
Thumbnail Disco Palooza
To see all the past & present paloozalisciousness -up to 2011
You can download the large Mpeg4 files of the original youtube Palooza videos. These feature the songs best used for each video before the music was changed to avoid being muted or banned on youtube.

The earliest Trimble Palooza with kids/grandkids. Pat is taking the photo. Mike & Carrie are there but this time Mary, Larry & family weren't there. All the grandchildren are born before Pat passes away in '91 except Christopher.
2010. This was the first time in 20 years where all the children & grandchildren were together for a holiday. The last time was Pat's last Christmas 1990. Two decades later the old holiday song rang true...
"Through the years we'll always be together..," All of us were there (oldest brother Mike passed away 2006) & his daughter Carrie & family.
Here is one slide show & the video mixed together or view them separately below:
Trimble Thanksgiving
Easton 2010

Trimble Family Thanksgiving 2010
Alternate 8mm version:
A pair of slide shows.
Thanksgiving 2010: Trimbles 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 Easton PaPatsyPaloozaThumbnail
It was also the year of the Hunter Dance:
The Hunter Dance