Big Bad Jim Trimble

Recently found. The only copy on the planet of Big Bad Jim (Trimble) so badly scratched this is the best it can be enhanced. When digitally scanned over 16,000 clicks, pops, & scratches were found.
Back in the mid 60's Jim partnered with Jack Rabinovich, who originated skateboards in Canada. Under Sunset Productions, they distributed the boards, which became a menace to society as Canadian kids "skurfed," threatening the sanctity of humanity. Could that be WIGS the Trimble dachshund featured on a skateboard terrorizing Ontario at the end of this report...

Trimble Palooza 2010 2011

Long before TrimblePalooza there was the Road To Mckeesport until the road then led the Trimbles to Easton.
Here's the official plate palooza: The very first Trimble Palooza (late 1940's) Bloomington, Indiana

Trimble Palooza 2011 is now SOLD OUT! Also appearing is the youngest of the big bunch, baby Elizabeth Tucker:

Now Truckin in 1080p 
(as in PaloozaVision)
for 2011:
ThumbnailTrimble Palooza 2011
Past and Present Palooza's:
Thumbnail  Trimble Past n' Present Paloozas
Mary's iphone palooza (ipalooza?)video, cropped, edited & converted to a larger file.
Grandpa Jim Crackers:

2011 Condiment Cam?:Thumbnail Prepalooza in 1080p (Palooza Vision) Trimble Palooza 2012. The Trimbles at a rate of speed far beyond any Trimble known to man woman or child in reverse too plus Disco Palooza
Trimble Palooza 3 Time Lapse 1080p (Pal…

Trimble Palooza 3 Reverse Time Lapse 10…
Thumbnail Disco Palooza
To see all the past & present paloozalisciousness -up to 2011
You can download the large Mpeg4 files of the original youtube Palooza videos. These feature the songs best used for each video before the music was changed to avoid being muted or banned on youtube.

The earliest Trimble Palooza with kids/grandkids. Pat is taking the photo. Mike & Carrie are there but this time Mary, Larry & family weren't there. All the grandchildren are born before Pat passes away in '91 except Christopher.
2010. This was the first time in 20 years where all the children & grandchildren were together for a holiday. The last time was Pat's last Christmas 1990. Two decades later the old holiday song rang true...
"Through the years we'll always be together..," All of us were there (oldest brother Mike passed away 2006) & his daughter Carrie & family.
Here is one slide show & the video mixed together or view them separately below:
Trimble Thanksgiving
Easton 2010

Trimble Family Thanksgiving 2010
Alternate 8mm version:
A pair of slide shows.
Thanksgiving 2010: Trimbles 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 Easton PaPatsyPaloozaThumbnail
It was also the year of the Hunter Dance:
The Hunter Dance

Jacques Trimble!

Try Jim's favorite Raisin Nut Bran Muffins too!
Master Chef of the CFL (Canadian Food Lovers)

Jacques Trimble " mans," the kitchen.
Here's Jacques' "recipe," for success:
Always a winner. 
Here's "Jacques," football fans favorite filet:

Olmsted (Olmstead) History

An incredible wealth of information of Pat's ancestry. First let's take a quick look at Pat's 
1938 Beaver Pa. High School Senior Class Will where she leaves...
Going back centuries this free e-book from Cornell University offers precise detailing of the Olmstead (Olmsted) journey to America spanning over 300 years.
Below is a link showing just how well the book works. It details the son's of George Olmstead, an 8th generation family member researched. Before clicking the link we know...

Chloe Doud marries George Olmstead (born 10 Nov 179723) in Warren, Trumbull Co., OH on, 22 Aug 182224. They had 8 children:25
Lydia Mary (went by Mary) (Allison) b. 1823, m. Alexander Allison, Jr. on 10 Mar 184226

Esther (Everett) 11 Jun 1827 - 18 Jul 1852 m. Elias Everett on 19 Nov 184627

George Orson b. c.1830 m. Rachel Jane Sprott on 17 Mar 1853

Stephen b. c.1832 m. Eleanor C. Young on 14 Nov 1855

Jesse Doud b. 9 Apr 1833 m. Leanna Bemiss on 12 Apr 1857

Olive (Wise) b. 25 Apr 1836 m. T. Jefferson Wise of Ada, OH on 25 Aug 1852

Emeline (Rich) b. 24 Jan 1838 m. (1) Andrew Jackson Rich on 23 Nov 1856 m. (2)
A. J. Rich of Glendale, MI

James 1843 - 1864 Died in the Civil War in Knoxville, TN
The book verifies the boys on page 162. George, Stephen, & Jesse :
In the last paragraph we see there's even a Cassius Clay Olmsted!

Red White & Blue

A few patriotic images of Jim & Mike each serving in the Navy during wartime.
Jim served in the South Pacific aboard LST 553 in WWll. Mike aboard the USS Tripoli during the Viet Nam war.