Trimble Classic Holiday Videos

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ALL Trimble Holiday videos can be found in this one playlist:

Merry Christmas from the Trimbles! Send a Trimble Christmas Card: .

Watch a medley of cards in HD: 
Trimble Christmas 58 & 90

Classic Trimble images:
Christmas cards:Happy Trimble Days

An updated version of this family favorite: Holly Jolly Trimble
The original created when only the VHS dub was available offers Jim & Pat's Winter Wonderland:

Pat & Jim's Winter Wonderland

Indiana Snowballs & Pat & Jim Indiana Snowballs & Pat & JimThis is an even closer look of
snowballs & bobby sox:
 Snowballs & Bobby SoxSnowballs & Bobby Sox  
Let it snow.... Indiana Blizzard
You can't have a merry one unless...

there's a rumble!  
A Merry Rumble Christmas

Watch the revised beating: Season's Beatings!
This ain't no silent night with the Trimbles slammin' their way around the holidays. Actually it's just a slide show of some of their vintage images set in holiday cardsTrimble Bells (but you know they were slammin' those toys for girls & boys on Christmas day) Trimble Bells
The BEST quality Christmas (version). 

Watch those lights twinkle: 
Merry Trimble
A Canadian Christmas!Trimble Canadian Christmas 8mm Home Movie 
Merry picture in picture Christmas from 1959 & 1978, showcasing the Trimble children with their tree (or laps) filled with presents (& even more chatter):
Trimble Christmas' 59&'78

Trimble Christmas' of 1959 & 1978Trimble Christmas' 59&'78Trimble Christmas' of 1959 & 1978
Remember too that Patsy would often crank up the player piano to her favorite tune, "Hernando's Hideaway." HEAR that piano playing it one last time: 

Patsy's Hideaway Patsy's Hideaway
Paranormal Patsy
Paranormal Patsy HHD aka 

Holiday High Def:Trimble HD Canadian ChristmasTrimble HD Edited Canadian Christmas Trimble HD Canadian Christmas
Trimble HD Edited Canadian Christmas

WAIT! Maybe Patsy isn't so "paranormal!" Our investigation shows it very well could be sister Susie & "Magic," Mike. See the shocking stocking story!Nodders & Puller

Recently found in the Christmas film is this darkened scene. Now brightened,what a Christmas gift it is to watch Pat's disco pins. Disco? Read the video description
& party with Pat:
Pat's 1959 Disco Christmas 1080p Thumbnail
This is a spin on the above videos with Kate Trimble's 1995 chorale performance as the music track. In fact Kate makes a came
ra on the Trimble TV: White Trimble Christmas

The unedited B&W 1979 Christmas & 1980 Thanksgiving including the day after akaMary & Larry's wedding. The '79 Christmas is of good quality. The rest runs from shadowy to black.

Why not edit it? Even when the video is dark, it's great to hear what's going on:
Trimble Christmas' 79 & Thanksgiving '80
Trimble Thanksgiving '80
Trimble's November 27th 1980

The 1978 B&W Trimble Christmas recorded at 58 Orchard Lane, Hillsdale NJ. This is unedited VHS film recorded by Jay, Susie & a bit by myself (when you see them in the video in the living room, I'm the one filming).

Unlike today's camcorders, you had to keep the TV on so
you could better see what you were recording since the camera view finder was small & inefficient. This is why you'll see us looking at ourselves ON TV while being videotaped. The camera's inability to adjust for low light makes the video at times dark but never before "seen," memories are still there.

Trimble Christmas 1978
Trimble Christmas 1978 Part Two

Trimble Christmas 1978 Part Three

Trimble Christmas 1978 Part Four

Trimble Christmas 1978 Part Five

Two from'78: A Truly Mary Christmas Jim Christmas 1978 A pair from '79: Pat's Christmas Jingle BeauWatch Trimble TV too:Trimble TVThumbnail
Some things never change. Mary 1978 & about 14 years later....
Marys Wave
This is Pat's last Holiday. Christmas 1990. 
Two more are below: 
Trimble Christmas 1990

He's not Tiny, Big Jim, Coach Jim, or even Grandpa. He's Marshmallow Jim: Marshmallow Jim Trimble Christmas 1990
Trimble Christmas 1990 Part 2

Kelly was too DAINTY for Jim:

Dainty Queen

Just listen to the noise!Christmas 1990 Northhampton Pa.

& here are a three of other gems:
 A QUEENLY Thanksgiving 1986The Snazzys
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Warm up by the fire! This roaring yule log of our fireplace makes a great screen saver: 

Yule Log 
But if you REALLY wanna be warm get close to your monitor and enjoy the fire in HD:
Youtube Video Of The Year!
What's Easter without bonnets!
The Trimbles ROAR with delight at the 
Philly Zoo in '57:
ThumbnailPhildadelphia Zoo, 1957
In fact The HILLS (of Easter) are ALIVEThumbnail with the sound of...
2010. This was the first time in 20 years where all the children & grandchildren were together for a holiday. The last time was Pat's last Christmas 1990. Two decades later the old holiday song rang true...
"Through the years we'll always be together..," All of us were there (oldest brother Mike passed away 2006) & his daughter Char who lives out West.

Here is one slide show & the video mixed together or view them separately below:
Trimble Thanksgiving Easton 2010


Trimble Family Thanksgiving 2010Watch the Alternate 8mm version too:

Now in 1080p 
(as in Palooza Vision) for 2011:
Grandpa Jim Crackers:

Past and Present Palooza's:
Trimble Past n' Present Paloozas